European Parliament
Business & Technology Consulting for European Parliament
Business and technology consultancy to streamline media production according to latest standards and to harmonize media workflow across EU-wide departments.
// Systems Integration
// Control & Communication
The project at a glance
Key to the Parliament’s decision to select Qvest as their consultant were the company’s longstanding experience, expertise, and methodology in digital workflow transformation in media, which is further supported by a holistic approach, global industry insight, and a strong international partner network. With the media infrastructure renewal project at the Strasbourg and Brussels offices, Qvest provides strategic and technology decision support and help to shape the technology roadmap for the coming years.
The Qvest consultants and systems architects support the European Parliament ambition to achieve future proof workflows on a networked, transparent media architecture that supports location-independent collaborative work. The objective is to introduce innovative technologies to establish more efficient working conditions for media organizations and news representatives. In addition, new technologies like UHD/HDR, All-IP, or multi-platform distribution and streaming will be adapted.