We love TV. We create and operate excellent services for the​ transforming media industry.

About us. Join our team!

Welcome to Qvest Engage. Formerly known as TeraVolt, we have been part of the Qvest Group since 2023. We are solution provider for digital media products and work in an agile company in Hamburg, Germany. We do have an appreciative working atmosphere in which respectful interaction, passion and enthusiasm for our tasks are just as important as the pursuit of excellence.
We are organized in multifunctional teams. Together we are around 50 colleagues with different skills and tools between the ages of 21 and 62. We embrace diversity and are happy to have different nationalities in our teams We can speak Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Croatian, Persian, Polish and Spanish, but communicate with each other in German and English.
We share our love for TV with our renowned customers and partners, including ZDF, ARD, RTL, Red Bull, DFL Deutsche Fussball Liga, Vodafone,Telekom etc. We are excited to grow and look forward to welcoming new digital enthusiasts who want to shake up the TV market with us.

Search Jobs

Erik Hauth
Senior Scrum Master
Jan Klische
Director Projects
Max Burgdorf
Head of Operations
Jörg Kiefer
Director Consulting
Kafui Amedannou
Assistant and IT Support
Magda Fathallah
Mirko Rasche
Client Service Director
Oliver Koch
CCO | Founder
Tessa Geilenbrügge
HR Manager
Tobias Fröhlich
CPO | Founder
Tobias Künkel

Our Core Values

We build partnerships with our colleagues, customers and suppliers. Our work is honest, transparent and cooperative for the benefit of everyone involved. We work amicably together, knowing we can rely on each other when the going gets tough. And often, great teamwork lays the foundation for new friendships or even a crazy team event. Because we believe that having fun at work is both motivating and essential.
We're courageous because we know it's okay to make mistakes. We learn something new every day because the world of tomorrow never ceases to surprise us. We eagerly await what lies ahead and want to be a part of it.
We're innovative because we never stop asking ourselves if there's a way to do it better. We love products, look beyond boundaries and are willing to take a risk for an electrifying product. We generate new ideas by daring to think creatively and by using the products we work with ourselves.
We excel at our work because we understand the facts, pursue a vision with goals, and we love what we do. We continually educate ourselves, share our expertise, and believe in ourselves and our long-term success.
We're structured and we always make a plan so that each of us can better contribute, so that expectations are clearer to all, and so that we can reach our full potential. We focus on the details and reuse what is valuable. And if something doesn't seem well-structured, we question it and strive to do it better the next time.



Send your application to personal(at)qvest.engage.com or use the online application tool. We need your updated CV. A cover letter is welcome but not mandatory. After receiving your application, you will receive a confirmation email. Done! 

Application review

Your application will be reviewed by People & Culture and discussed with the relevant department. You will receive feedback promptly, usually within one to two weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. The contact details of your personal point of contact can be found in the job posting and in the confirmation email. 

Getting to know each other

We find your application & CV exciting and want to get to know you! In most cases, our process involves three get-to-know-sessions. These can take place either in person or virtually, depending on the situation. We start with a brief first screening via Teams to address initial general questions. If both sides find it interesting, we delve deeper. This includes an initial in-person meeting with peers and a second round involving a small assignment. You’ll have the opportunity to get to know the team and interact with colleagues. 

Joining the team

If you are as enthusiastic about us as we are about you, we will make you an offer. Then, nothing stands in the way of your soon start in the Qvest/TeraVolt team. We are looking forward to it! 

You have not found a suitable position?
Feel free to apply on your own initiative!

Join our Team!

Does all this sound interesting to you?
Would you like to join us and work with cool people?
Or do you have any other questions?
Would you like to apply intuitively?

Just write to us, we'll answer any questions you may have!

Your contact person from recruiting:

Tessa Geilenbrügge - LinkedIn
Email: personal.engage(at)qvest.com