AI-based Innovation - Innovate smarter, not harder

Artificial Intelligence
Generative AI

Improve your innovation performance with AI

We are pioneers in the integration of artificial intelligence in innovation processes. In 2017, we built algorithms for image-based emotion recognition in user studies together with the now successfully established startup Bringing extensive experience and expertise to challenging projects, we adhere to our principle of ‘practice what you preach’.

We have continuously developed our processes and tools, supported by machine learning and generative artificial intelligence. Furthermore, we use a scientifically sound approach that’s documented in numerous publications and keeps evolving.

AI-ready Innovation

Structured and efficient innovation processes are a critical tool for companies to continuously survive and thrive in a highly volatile business environment. Successful innovation secures competitive advantages, inspires customers and protects resources. It is important that newly developed products are at the cutting edge of technology.

And the same applies to the innovation process: we utilize the potential of disruptive technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence in our processes and methods and call this Applied AI.

For this to succeed, it is important to accompany teams and organizations on the path to transformation. We provide knowledge, tools and best practices to ensure that risks are averted and potential is realized. The term we use for this approach is Empowered AI.

The products and services we develop together with our partners get new functionalities through AI: User interfaces become more intuitive, analyses become available at a lower threshold and complex manual activities are automated. We refer to the integration of AI functions into products and services as Embedded AI.

These concepts help you to develop excellent ideas, reliably validate concepts and develop successful products and services. Our approaches can be applied either holistically or to specific phases of the innovation process to ensure that you realize the full potential of AI and develop future-proof solutions – let’s pave the way to your successful innovation together!

Empowered AI

We enable your innovation team to tap into unimagined potential through AI-supported processes. To do this, we create a deep understanding of how artificial intelligence works and its fields of application. We share our many years of experience in AI tools and AI workflows with you and discuss best practices in AI-supported innovation management.

Optimize your processes with applied AI

Thanks to applied AI, companies have easy access to customized solutions to improve their innovation processes. By using AI tools along the entire product innovation process – from research and idea generation to use case evaluation, concept development and prototyping – we help our clients to develop more efficient and innovative products and make well-founded strategic decisions.

  • Exploration
    Keep your finger on the pulse with AI-supported research and technology scouting. Use the power of AI to track technological trends, user needs and market developments quickly and precisely.
  • Identification
    Use AI to identify the most promising use cases and evaluate them based on desirability, viability and feasibility. This allows you to gain valuable insights more quickly in order to identify strategic opportunities and optimize your innovation process.
  • Ideation
    We support your company in ideation in order to develop creative ideas and innovative solutions. With the help of AI-supported tools, we specifically identify new opportunities to efficiently realize forward-looking concepts.
  • Prototyping
    We use Al to accelerate concept development, testing and prototyping. We combine advanced Al approaches, such as testing using synthetic personas, with proven innovation methods to quickly test and validate your concepts. This allows you to bring innovations to market faster and more efficiently.

Embedded AI for products and services of the future

With Embedded AI, we develop and implement customized, user-friendly and reliable AI solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs and requirements. From advanced chatbot capabilities to personalized recommendations and autonomous systems – we help you to unlock untapped potential for your products and thus create real added value for your customers.

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