Rights Strategy Definition & Implementation

Unlock the value of your brands

We specialize in delivering tailored rights management solutions that drive licensing revenue for businesses in the Consumer Packaged Goods and Media & Entertainment industries. 

Our comprehensive methodology combines process and tools to create a seamless experience for both rights administrators and external licensing partners. With a deep understanding of the complexities involved in licensing, we collaborate closely with you to address specific use cases, such as designing effective rights trees and managing complex deal and royalty structures.  

Our extensive experience, coupled with strategic partnerships with established rights solution vendors, ensures that your business not only efficiently manages its existing rights but also possesses the scalability to thrive in the future. 

What we offer

Future-proof strategy
We define a long-term strategy and system landscape that considers emerging trends and anticipates growth.
Proven methodology
Our team of experts leverage proven methodologies and project artifacts to accelerate successful implementation of new solutions and anticipate challenges
Comprehensive solution selection
We perform a rigorous evaluation of vendor offerings against business needs to ensure a timely, cost efficient, and effective solution.
Centralize processes
Unify disparate legal and finance priorities by defining complementary legal and financial processes drive the organization towards the singular goal of maximizing intellectual property utilization.
Streamlined workflows
Reduce long contract cycle turnaround times by eliminating duplicative effort and painful workarounds for rights avails checking and royalty statement processing.
Maximize user adoption
A structured approach and tool set for leading the people side of change to help stakeholders adopt, apply, and embrace change that delivers a desired outcome.
Expert integration
Design and build integrations across your ecosystem to fully utilize collected data and minimize duplicate entry.
We stay at the forefront of industry advancements, incorporating the latest technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence to offer solutions that provide a competitive edge.

Rights Management for content owners

There is an expanding need to go deeper into content libraries to support direct-to-consumer demands and transition from rights management being an administrative function to a core capability. 

Our team understands how to navigate the world of rights, avails, and white space to populate a robust content pipeline and exploit previously underutilized content. With experience in film, TV, publishing, and music, we partner with each type of content owner to employ a crawl, walk, run model. We provide a roadmap to guide any organization at any stage to grow into a high performing, intellectual property driven business.  

The evolution of building a robust, IP-driven business in Media & Entertainment

Project Experience

We recognize that project experience is the foundation upon which the Qvest team builds trust, expertise, and a promising future. Standing as a testament to our journey of excellence, it's the embodiment of our ability to navigate complex challenges, adapt to evolving landscapes, and deliver exceptional results. 

  • Global rights consolidation 
  • Strategic roadmap  
  • Rights solution selection & Fit/Gap 
  • Licensing in process definition & implementation  
  • Licensing out system implementation and data conversion 
  • Rights management system reconfiguration & streamlining 

Rights Management for Consumer Packaged Goods

With emerging categories comes the need for well-designed rights trees and robust rights management systems that can handle increased volume of deals for all agreement types such as with licensees/licensors, inventors, talent, trademark, and more. The Qvest team designs workflows, deal templates, and system configurations with the goal of reducing the amount of overhead required to collect and maintain rights data.  

As we partner with you closely to understand all your business needs, our aim is not only to revolutionize supporting technology, but also to empower people and streamline processes, enabling them to adapt to the growing. 

The evolution of building a robust, IP-driven business in Consumer Packaged Goods

Project Experience

Our continued experience serves to strengthen our expertise and provide tailored solutions and best practice recommendations for customers. 

  • Strategic roadmap and future state technology landscape 
  • Rights solution selection & Fit/Gap 
  • End-to-End licensing out system implementation and data conversion 
  • Finance transformation – SOP generation 
Rights Management in Digital Gaming & E-Sports

The world of digital gaming and its fanbase have undoubtedly exploded in recent years, demonstrating the unique opportunity to monetize not just the game’s brand, but its universe, lore, and characters as well. The Qvest team can support with rights management to maximize your digital gaming business:


Create additional revenue streams 
Licensing game characters, titles, storylines and music for merchandising, location-based events, amusement parks, and more.


Exploit media rights 
Sell broadcasting rights for esports tournaments to various platforms, including traditional TV and streaming services.


Content distribution 
Negotiate and manage distribution rights across different regions and platforms such as consoles, PC, and mobile platforms.


Revenue sharing partnerships 
Structuring agreements for revenue sharing between game publishers, e-sport teams and leagues, and game modding fanbases. Partner with streaming companies, streamers, and content creators. 

Project Experience

Our project experience is the cornerstone of our expertise and a reflection of our ability to help your organization exploit untapped potential in the digital gaming and e-sport industry. 

  • Rights strategy definition for digital gaming vertical  
  • Future state rights and product approval process definition 
  • Rights trees creation for digital gaming brands, assets, characters 
  • Rights system configuration for digital gaming deals and royalty model