Tailored Data Migration for IP & Rights Management

Minimize disruptions, maximize accuracy

We recognize that a comprehensive and timely data migration is critical for a successful implementation of IP & rights management software. After all, the foundation of licensing relies on the combination of rights and financial data. 

With Qvest's Data Migration experience, we provide a smooth and accurate transition of data from legacy to new systems. Our approach is highly structured, interactive, and transparent to meet your specific business needs. We guide you to understand and migrate your data with precision — providing trust in both the data and the system.

What we offer

Tailored Data Migration Strategies
Qvest experts closely collaborate with you to develop a tailored data migration strategy that aligns precisely with your implementation goals, addressing the unique challenges and requirements of your organization and helping you decide data scope.
Minimize Disruptions, Maximize Efficiency
We meticulously plan and execute migrations to ensure a seamless transition, enabling your team to concentrate on other crucial tasks, bringing you in for key decisions and direction.
Comprehensive Risk Mitigation
With the proven Qvest methodology, we are able to anticipate and address potential risks associated with data migration such as data gaps & clean-up.
Data Quality Assurance
Our Qvest expert team ensures the integrity and accuracy of your data, providing consistent and reliable reports for testing and/or test results for sign-off.
Collaborative Approach
We align our data migration plans and execution with your business objectives, work with you on key decision points and provide real time and transparent progress updates.

Data Migration Methodology

Maximizing the value of migrated data and minimizing risk of delay are the guiding principles that shape the Qvest approach to data migration. Our methodology is inspired by modern cloud data warehousing best practices to deliver accurate data transfer from and to any system. At its core, our data migration methodology revolves around establishing a transfer pipeline and four key activities that are performed iteratively.  

  • Scope definition 
  • Transformation logic 
  • Load to target 
  • Monitoring & Validation 

By leveraging data pipelines, we execute and iteratively refine the output of each activity without having to start from scratch when data decisions or system requirements change.

Data migration tailored to dynamically adapt to business scope.

Project Experience

We recognize that project experience is the foundation upon which the Qvest team builds trust, expertise, and a promising future. Standing as a testament to our journey of excellence, it's the embodiment of our ability to navigate complex challenges, adapt to evolving landscapes, and deliver exceptional results. 

  • Licensing out rights and financials data conversion for large toys company 
  • Title metadata migration from legacy SAP to SaaS application for a major studio 
  • Data conversion from legacy application to royalty calculation application  
  • Data quality and strategy assessment for consumer products company